Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Happy Flag Day!

 It's always fun to hang a flag outside, and when it's a flag quilt, it's even better to see it gently waving in the breeze, unlike a flag that gets whipped nearly to shreds in our mach 90 wind!  This is our "Old Glory" hanging from my porch.

We hung our "Flag Day" quilt at the barn; it's still one of my favorites!

Besides celebrating Flag Day, my husband and I are also celebrating the graduation of our oldest son.  He was so happy to have achieved this milestone and we are so proud of him!  Now it'll be on to grad school for either physical therapy or a physicians assistant program.  Here we didn't think we'd be able to keep him in school and now we can't seem to get him out! 


  1. I love your flag day quilt, great design.


  2. Ya'll must be so happy. I can't believe how green your grass is! The summer rains have not started here so ours is looking quite dead but there is a rumbling outside so maybe some rain. Love the flag quilts!
